300 words

Operations drive businesses. The supply chain is essential in keeping all businesses running. Most people do not think about how essential the supply chain is to a business. You just run to the store to pick up milk, bread, shampoo, diapers, and other necessities. Maybe you need to run to the gas station and fill up. However, in 2020, the entire world saw a major disruption in supply chains. Stores ran out of products and could not get more due to the disruption. This left customers and businesses frustrated.

Watch this video: What is Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Why Is it Important?

Then, discuss the following:

  • Explain why supply chain management is important to you.
  • Think about a time when a supply chain was disrupted.
    • Explain how this disruption impacted you.
    • What decision-making tools could have been implemented to prevent the disruption?