Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference       

Q1 (Hnton)

cover population & environment and rural/urban problems. Whatever you choose, 
think sociologically. How do structures or interactions relate to the problem?


Describe a situation where an objective would best be assessed using a Criterion-Referenced interpretation.


1.  Using credible web sources (do not use wikipedia, blogs, etc.), create a short PowerPoint or Prezi presentation that addresses the following:

A.  Compare Arab and Middle Eastern immigrant groups with those from the Caribbean. Who comprises each group?

B.  What differences exist in their patterns of adjustment and assimilation?

C.  Do you feel one group has a better chance for success in the U.S.? Why or why not? 

Note: the information presented should be the form of short statements or bullet points. Do not include complete paragraphs. 

Q4 (nyy)

Find a quote that best represents who you are. 
You do not need to explain your reasons for choosing the quote. Make sure to cite
the author and where you found the quote

Q5 Mique

Claude Lorrain, Ascanius Shooting the Stag of Silvia (1682) Pg: 8 

discuss briefly what you think the artist’s intent or purpose was in making this work.
 Present your conclusions

Q6 (greg)

1. Conduct research and summarize a criminal case involving an internet predator. Choose a case other than Jordan James Kirby. Be sure and address the typology of the sexual offender involved in the case you chose. 

2. What are some of the investigative challenges faced when attempting to capture internet predators? Consider issues you may face as the crime scene investigator collecting physical evidence containing digital evidence (i.e. computer, cellphone) as well as challenges the digital forensics expert working a case may face.


A lot of building a business is based on modeling what others have done successfully or avoiding their pitfalls. The discussion this week will follow that dynamic. Choosing any food service operation you have experienced, locate an example of their marketing, whether print, media [TV, film], or web-based, and provide a brief assessment of the individual marketing.

For the specific advertisement or marketing effort,1 identify and
briefly rationalize what you identified as elements related to the four components (AIDA) of effective advertising:

A: Attention – get the attention of the targeted consumer

I: Interest – sustain the attention through compelling messaging

D: Desire – transform interest into a desire to purchase [obtain/possess]

A: Action – urge the targeted consumer to take action to fulfill their desire. This means taking action to buy from the company as soon as possible or when relevant.

With AIDA described2, discuss how their advertising works or fails them and then determine and justify what you can learn from their marketing3. Describe how you can apply what you have learned to your own food service operation identified last week.

Discussion elements:

1. Identify and rationalize elements of AIDA represented in the selected advertisement.

2. Discuss the success and/or failures of the selected advertisement.

3. Describe how you can apply what you learned from analyzing the selected advertisement.

If possible, embed, provide a link, or attach the selected advertisement to your post.


Research and discuss a disease or disorder (in detail) affecting one or both of the systems (endocrine & reproductive systems) we are examining this week. Be sure to begin with the name of disease or disorder – break it down into its component parts. Continue with the symptoms. Finally, how is the disease or disorder treated and what is its prognosis? Do not use.

Addison’s disease




(Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, PCOS)

Endometriosis, Acromegaly,



As a project manager, you understand the importance of building relationships with the stakeholders and your project team. Discuss what you believe is the most important component of building relationships within a project team? Why? Also, explain how you would accomplish this component in your team-building strategy.


(1.) Discuss the possible effects of applying risk assessment and risk management in policing about curtailing departmental and officer misconduct.


Describe and discuss an offender’s sadistic characteristics associated with various criminal behaviors and criminal offender personalities. In addition, list and discuss the characteristics of an auto-erotic fatality versus a suicide and how an auto-erotic fatality may be mistakenly identified as a suicide.


This week we will be discussing the FAR.  Review the interactive regarding Part 16 of the

Once at the website, you can choose Flashcards to review the information as a flashcard set or you can select Learn to try taking it as a sample quiz.

After completing one or both interactive learning, discuss with the class what you learned about Part 16 of the FAR.  

Full version of FAR 16


Review and reflect on your e-portfolio.  Why did you select the artifacts that you included in your portfolio?  What additional items do you plan to add?  What message does your e-portfolio convey to a anyone who is reviewing it?


I am sure you have often heard the expressions in people’s speech… “I identify with…” “My identity is…” It is how we feel we belong to a certain group or how our belief system is connected with members of a certain group. Our identity forms a bridge between ourselves and culture and communication.

It is important to understand how we form our personal identities. We need to understand who we are and where we come from. Without that personal depth and insight, we may have difficulty understanding where we belong. We have personal identities and social identities. There is our private side and social side. I am sure you have heard that people never really know who you are completely–that is because we have to constantly merge within groups on a daily basis. Perhaps people are more open in an office setting, but they go home and are very compartmentalized in their thinking. Stereotypes develop. We have stereotypes of ourselves and stereotypes given to us by others. But stereotypes seem to develop when communication is not clear.

We need to evaluate our cultural identity, our individual identity, our spiritual identity, and our familial identity. Those are important foundational aspects, and the rest of the identities we possess originate from them.

Please answer the following:

· Evaluate or dissect your identities that are most prominent and dominant in your thinking.

· Tell us how you got there.

· Evaluate your American Individual Identity and what it means to you.

· Do you find yourself comparing your own identity belief systems to that of your co-workers?

· Do you talk about it?

· How does it impact your relationship building with others?


examines and describes your own cultural heritage (African American)

1) Do you have traditions?

2) Do you speak a different language or dialect at home?

3) How do you feel now that you are “away from home” – what has become most important to you?


These three short readings deal with the concept of beauty bias based on stereotypes and discrimination.  Please take a moment to read the brief articles.  Do you agree with the articles?  Please share your thoughts on each of the articles and the impact (or lack thereof) of beauty bias.

Article 1

Article 2

Article 3


1. Attorney representation is not typically required in ADR proceedings, but it is often recommended so that each party’s interests are adequately defended. Yet, some of the key advantages to ADR over traditional litigation are simplicity and efficiency. Do you think that attorney representation in ADR helps or hurts? Why or why not?

2. One of the challenges discussed in this week’s lesson is that of emotion, pride, and ego impeding the ADR process. These factors are obviously present whether disputants are pursuing ADR or traditional litigation. Do you think they are
more or
less problematic in ADR? Do you think they are
harder or
easier to overcome in ADR? Explain your answers.


what are some of the problems children face when they grow up in poverty? (For example, the impact of poverty on the health, nutrition, and safety of children.) What are the long term effects of poverty and what outcomes might a child face without effective intervention?

Discuss at least 2 ways a child’s development is impacted when they grow up in a violent home.

