The first assignment will be a mix of analysis and simulation. You will work through the simulation for Digital Marketing, provide an explanation and critique of your performance, and provide a comparison between the hypothetical restaurant of the simulation and the proposed food service operation you identified in Week 1 [Industry Specialization]. Be sure to review instructions for all parts and use the Q & A Discussion if you have any questions.
(1) — The first part is to work through the simulation.
You can access the simulation by following the instructions below:
Go to and click “Register Now.”
To access the simulation, the course key is: VD4HS6
Enter the course key provided here, and click “Search.” If you have not received the course key needed for this assignment yet, please contact me as soon as possible.
- If the desired course appears, click “Continue Registration.”
- If the course is not listed, notify me and the website support.
- Fill in the required information and click “Register.”
- A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided during registration. Click on the link provided within the email to confirm enrollment. Click the link to sign in to your account.
You will then be able to work through the simulation, “Digital Marketing”.
(2) — Provide an explanation and critique of simulation performance.
After completing the simulation on the website, you will analyze the experience by explaining the variable conditions you were exposed to, the decisions you made, your reasoning for the decisions, and their outcomes. References are expected to support, refute, or corroborate your perspective or reasoning. As a part of your summary, you will need to describe the results you anticipated and what the actual results were.
The analysis will need to address the following simulation goals:
- Assess a restaurant’s performance and profit.
- Create a social media advertisement.
- Learn how to create text and choose images that appeal to your potential customers.
- Focus the advertisement even further by targeting specific locations and interests.
Identify relevant elements and variables, explain their significance or input, and evaluate levels of performance and possible outcomes. The following questions should also be addressed in your analysis:
- What are some other forms of advertising a food service operation might use?
- What are the advantages/disadvantages of digital marketing over print, video, and audio advertising?
- What process would you use in figuring out how to target your niche customers?
- What are some ways to use social media to promote your restaurant in addition to paying for advertising?
- How would you respond to negative social media posts and comments about your food service operation?
- If a customer believes your advertising to be inaccurate or misleading when they visit your food service operation, what do you believe to be the best response to the customer’s complaint?
(3) — Compare and contrast the hypothetical simulation restaurant with your own proposed food service operation.
Consulting the first three chapters of the reading, you will describe and evaluate the style of operation as well as your specific product [AKA the meal experience] and compare that to the restaurant in the simulation. Compare elements such as location and target market as well as the methods and content of advertising you feel would work best for your operation.
NOTE: It is feasible to weave the comparison [3] into your simulation analysis [2], alternating paragraphs or segments to first provide an explanation and critique and then compare and contrast. To make it easier, I suggest making a checklist you can use to track what you have covered in the writing.