Drawing on the insights of this week’s readings from the textbook, Popper, Diamond and Stark, and address the following questions:

  • What separates science and empiricism from other ways of knowing?
  • Should a Christian value science, and why?
  • Can social phenomena be studied scientifically?

500-600 wrds


 Demonstrates exceptional skill in integrating logical reasoning and evidence to construct a persuasive and nuanced argument, and arrive at a compelling conclusion. Thoughtfully analyzes and evaluates major alternative points of view and addresses contradictory evidence. 

 The writing includes a focused, polished and sophisticated thesis or organizing principle, and develops a convincing position. Writing is exceptionally concise, clear, and articulate with consistently proper formatting, grammar, spelling, and paragraphing. 

 Demonstrates exceptional knowledge and understanding of course content. Course concepts are not only presented with complete accuracy, but also discussed with significant depth and nuance. 

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