In this unit, it is important for you to clearly identify the path that you’ve chosen, whether it is Track A, or B or C. In doing that, I’m asking you to develop either the Opportunity Analysis for Track A or the Proposal format for Track B or C.

It is important to have a starting point for you to begin to flush out your thinking. This will give me the opportunity then to meet with you and talk further about your plan. I can imagine that after we meet this week, and after you complete these proposals, we can meet individually and not necessarily have class but discuss the potential individually and what next steps would be.

I want to make sure that you are crystal clear on what next steps are. I look forward to seeing you! God bless you!

Track A – Opportunity Analysis:

  • Your Name
  • Business Name?
  • Problem you are solving?
  • Business Product / Service & type of business?
  • Target Market / Segment – who are your customers, what is their unmet need, what is your solution?
  • Industry Analysis / Competition – attributes of competitors and what distinctives you are providing?
  • Competitive Advantages your approach will have?
  • Business Model / Sales Strategy – How will you identify and acquire customers?
  • Positioning Statement / Message – part strategy, part market niche – what are you telling customers about your concept?
  • Channel(s) to Customers? How will customers get access to your product/service?
  • Revenue streams – from where will the money come (sources)?

Track B Proposal

  • Your Name(s):
  • Name of Proposal:
  • Type of Proposal: Comprehensive Business Problem Solution with Recommendations: Goals
  • Partner Organization [with what business will you be working?]
  • Clearly define the Problem:
  • Relevant Background information:
  • Scope of the problem: why is this important?
  • Why is this action being taken at this time?
  • What are the deliverables or what is the outcome you are seeking?
  • Do you have the necessary resources to complete this project? If not from where will you acquire them?
  • What else do you need from (business partner or your professor) in order to get started?

Track C Proposal

  • Your Name(s):
  • Name of Proposal:
  • Type of Proposal: Due Diligence Assessment with Recommendations: Objectives
  • Partner Organization [with what business will you be working?]
  • Clearly describe the Organization:
  • Relevant Background information:
  • Scope of the assessment: why is this important?
  • Why is this action being taken at this time?
  • What are the deliverables or what is the outcome you are seeking?
  • Do you have the necessary resources to complete this project? If not from where will you acquire them?
  • What else do you need from (business partner or your professor) in order to get started?