APA format, in-text citation, references include, 1.5 pages

Read the instruction attachment with include HSO and articles searched to finish the requirements

DDHA 8113 Article Analysis Worksheet

Instructions: For each of the articles that you select, complete this chart in its entirety. You may copy the chart as many times as needed to fulfill the Assignment requirements.

Article APA Reference

Ashwood, J. S., Mehrotra, A., Cowling, D., & Uscher-Pines, L. (2017). Direct-to-consumer telehealth may increase access to care but does not decrease spending. Health Affairs, 36(3), 485-491

Justification/Rationale for Study

This article mainly evaluates the impact of direct-to-consumer telehealth services on healthcare access and costs, addressing critical concerns in telemedicine implementation and some of challenge users faced when using telehealth

Gap in Practice

Effect on healthcare spending and patient outcomes remains unclear, limiting informed policy decisions.

Purpose of the Study

(Include list of independent variables [IVs] and dependent variables [DVs])

whether telehealth increases access to care and its impact on spending.

· IVs: Access to telehealth services.

· DVs: Healthcare utilization and overall spending.

Theoretical or Conceptual Framework

Economic and access-focused framework, examining telehealth’s cost-effectiveness and ability to improve healthcare delivery. The benefits of using telehealth

Study Design and Sampling Procedures

A retrospective cohort study analyzing claims data from a large health plan over three years.

Data Collection Procedures

Insurance claims data were used to assess telehealth use, substitution rates for in-person visits, and associated costs. It also said how much telehealth use to help speed up the process and how it helps physicians to work efficiency

Data Analyses Used

Descriptive statistics and regression models analyzed relationships between telehealth use, healthcare spending, and utilization.

Description of Significant Results

Telehealth improved access but increased utilization, leading to higher overall healthcare spending.

Discussion of Findings, including Limitations of the Study

Telehealth expands access but may not reduce costs due to increased utilization. Limitations include the inability to measure indirect costs or non-claims-based services.

Article APA Reference

Reed, M. E., Huang, J., Graetz, I., Lee, C., Muelly, E., Kennedy, C., & Kim, E. (2020). Patient and provider satisfaction with telehealth for outpatient care during the COVID-19 pandemic: Retrospective cohort study. JMIR Medical Informatics, 8(11), e18469.

Justification/Rationale for Study

The study investigates telehealth’s role in outpatient care during COVID-19, emphasizing patient and provider satisfaction.

Gap in Practice

While telehealth surged during the pandemic, there is limited research on satisfaction levels and factors influencing them. It was the first time physicians use this tool often.

Purpose of the Study

(Include list of independent variables [IVs] and dependent variables [DVs])

To assess satisfaction levels among patients and providers using telehealth for outpatient care during COVID-19.

· IVs: Telehealth adoption, patient demographics, and visit types.

· DVs: Patient and provider satisfaction scores.

Theoretical or Conceptual Framework

Service quality and satisfaction models applied to telehealth to evaluate its effectiveness and user experience.

Study Design and Sampling Procedures

Data were collected through satisfaction surveys and electronic health records.

Data Collection Procedures

Statistical analysis using chi-square tests and multivariable logistic regression.

Data Analyses Used

Descriptive statistics and regression models analyzed relationships between telehealth use, healthcare spending, and utilization.

Description of Significant Results

High satisfaction among patients and providers. Satisfaction varied by demographics and visit types. People seems to like how telehealth work by saving their time to go to offices.

Discussion of Findings, including Limitations of the Study

Telehealth is well-received but may not suit all patient populations. Limitations include reliance on survey data and focus on a single health system. It can be hard for elderly populations for complicate technology.

Article APA Reference

Mann, D. M., Chen, J., Chunara, R., Testa, P. A., & Nov, O. (2020). COVID-19 transforms healthcare through telemedicine: Evidence from the field. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 27(7), 1132-1135.

Justification/Rationale for Study

This study explores telemedicine’s rapid adoption during COVID-19, highlighting its impact on healthcare delivery.

Gap in Practice

The rapid shift to telemedicine due to COVID-19 lacks comprehensive analysis of its impact on care delivery and operational challenges. Telehealth might be helpful in some simple office visits but it can be hard for the physicians to diagnosis.

Purpose of the Study

(Include list of independent variables [IVs] and dependent variables [DVs])

To assess how telemedicine transformed healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic.

· IVs: Telemedicine implementation, patient demographics, and clinical settings.

· DVs: Access to care, provider workload, and patient outcomes.

Theoretical or Conceptual Framework

Implementation science framework focusing on technology adoption and its effects on healthcare systems.

Study Design and Sampling Procedures

Study with data from multiple healthcare facilities using telemedicine during COVID-19.

Data Collection Procedures

Collected from telehealth platforms, patient records, and staff interviews. Maybe extend to the patients feedback also

Data Analyses Used

Mixed-methods analysis combining quantitative data (usage rates) and qualitative insights (staff interviews).

Description of Significant Results

Improved access but posed challenges such as increased provider workload and technology barriers. Telehealth also increase technology devices and also cost for staff training.

Discussion of Findings, including Limitations of the Study

Telemedicine’s rapid adoption proved valuable but revealed gaps in training and infrastructure. Limitations include the short study duration and focus on the pandemic context.

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HSO: In the telemedicine health services organization (HSO), a significant workforce issue arises from the rapid expansion of telemedicine technology and its associated challenges, such as workforce preparedness, technology training gaps, and the burnout of healthcare professionals. As telemedicine becomes more integral to healthcare delivery, the workforce must adapt to digital tools, overcome resistance to change, and address the emotional strain caused by increased virtual patient interactions. Many healthcare workers are inadequately trained or feel underprepared to handle the technological complexities of telemedicine, exacerbating burnout and hindering optimal care delivery.

· Addresses the following:

· Discuss the findings of your literature search.

· Explain where the areas of organizational improvement are within the literature.

· Explain how the organizational improvement initiatives that you researched might apply to your selected HSO.

· Explain how you, as a leader, could adapt the initiatives to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within your selected HSO.

· From a leadership perspective, explain some strategies that you might utilize to organize, lead, and motivate the appropriate teams to initiate change based on your research.

· In addition to your audio recording, provide a 1- to 2-page outline of your talking points and a reference page for all sources that were used to prepare your recording.