How do I develop two pages of information that includes: 

  • Consider how to develop a clear path of action, including well-defined goals, for addressing the problem of inclusion for individuals with developmental disabilities.
  • Read the article, “Using Public Records and Archival Data.” Think about how to use public records and archival data to gain a better understanding of the magnitude of a social problem, what has been done to address it, and what gaps exist.
  • Reflect on the social problem of inclusion for individuals with developmental disabilities.
  • With the social problem of inclusion for individuals with developmental disabilities in mind:
    • Identify two goals of the community needs assessment that that you and your team would implement to address the social problem.
    • Identify five data sources (e.g., policy, local laws, statistics about who from the population is impacted by the problem) that your team would use for the community needs assessment.
  • Develop a Team Strategy. Normally, after you have identified a project team, you would meet with the team and collaborate on the items listed below. In this case, since you are only planning the community needs assessment, you will address these items yourself rather than with a team.
    • Define two goals of the community needs assessment that you and your team would implement to address the social problem of inclusion for individuals with developmental disabilities.
    • Identify five data sources that your team would use for the community needs assessment (e.g., policy, local laws, statistics about who from the population is impacted by the problem). Explain how your team would use the data sources to gain a better understanding of the magnitude of the problem, what has been done to address it, and/or what gaps exist. 

Use the following references:

Stroh, D. P. (2015). Systems thinking for social change: A practical guide to solving complex problems, avoiding unintended consequences, and achieving lasting results. Chelsea Green Publishing. 

Community ToolBox. (n.d.) Using public records and archival data.Links to an external site.