Review the information in this week’s readings (Ch. 9.)
Select one of the ethical issues below and discuss:
The ethical approach, framework, and strategies you would use to resolve the selected ethical issue. How will you negotiate and collaborate to reach a common-ground without compromising your values and beliefs and without coercing the patients?

Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice
Protecting the Adolescent’s Right to Privacy
Empirical Knowledge vs. Religious Beliefs
Parent Refuses to Vaccinate Child
Personal and Professional Boundaries Related to Social Media
End-of-Life Decision-Making
Inadequate Resources to Provide Care
Inadequate Staffing
Spirituality vs. Science
Duty and Compassion Do Not Align with Facility Safety Protocols
Incompetence Among Nursing Subordinates
Beneficence vs. Autonomy

Inadequate staffing can cause burnout and distress in staff and cause inadequate care and safety for patients. I think being transparent is best with patients and with management when it comes to addressing inadequate staffing. According to Tracy et al., 2023 when faced with ethical decisions a person’s decision may be influenced by their emotional state. Nurse must first identify the emotion and then separate it so they can assess and intervene. The approach I would use to resolve the issue is the principle-based approach because it encompasses the principles of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice.