NR436 Community Public and Population Health Nursing
NR436 Week 3 Check-In: Practicum Mentorship and Project
Question 1
My selected topic for the Practicum Project is:
Mental health awareness
Question 2
I have received constructive feedback about my Practicum Project from my course faculty.
Question 3
The Practicum Project Log is used to track the completed Practicum Project, Practicum Mentorship, and iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter hours. You will record cumulative hours in the Week 2, 3, 4, and 6 Practicum Mentorship and Project Check-Ins. All hours must be completed, documented, and submitted by 11:59 p.m. MT on Wednesday of Week 8.
The practicum-related activities for Weeks 1, 2, and 3 are shown below. Your documentation should contain these entries. The Week 3 Practicum Project: Community and Environment Assessment discussion hours will be logged in Week 4.
Practicum Activities
Week 1
Practicum Project: Selection of Health Promotion Topic
Week 2
Practicum Project: Health Promotion Data Collection and Analysis
Week 2
Practicum Mentorship and Project Check-In
Week 3
Practicum Mentorship and Project Check-In
I have completed and recorded 11 hours on my Practicum Project Log.
Question 4
The aim of the Practicum Project is to advocate for community health through collaboration with licensed healthcare professionals and the provision of educational resources. In Week 5, you will be given information on developing a Health Promotion Collaboration meeting with a minimum of 3 licensed healthcare professionals. Your Health Promotion Collaboration meeting must be conducted between Saturday of Week 5 and Saturday of Week 6. Begin planning for this collaboration meeting.
Provide the names and titles of a minimum of 3 licensed healthcare professionals with whom you are going to discuss your topic (i.e., Jane Smith, Registered Nurse) in the text box below. If you have not identified any licensed healthcare professionals, type No and schedule a meeting with your course faculty for assistance.
Your Answer:
Jacob Martins: Mental health counsellor
Mitchel Johns a Health Care Assistant
Micthell Ivy: RN
Question 5
What questions do you have about the Practicum Project or your Mentorship? Write them in the text box below. Your course faculty will respond no later than Friday, 11:59 p.m. MT via the comment box in the grade book.
Your Answer:
Are there any pillars of mentorship?
Question 6
If you would like to meet with your course faculty, provide your phone number, time zone, and at least two days and times for them to contact you in the text box below.
If a meeting is not requested, share your thoughts about how the project is progressing (is it easy or challenging, are you finding it interesting, are there resources that would be helpful, etc.).
Your Answer:
This project is instrumental as far as the weekly knowledge acquisition is concerned .free purchase