NR436 – Community Public and Population Health Nursing

Discussion: Apply Knowledge
Step 1: Download and complete the Week 3 Practicum Project: Community and Environment Assessment Worksheet..
Step 2: Review the Week 3 Practicum Project: Educational Materials document.. Select one educational resource related to your Practicum Project topic and the Week 3 Community and Environment Assessment findings.
Step 3: Answer the discussion prompts below with explanation and detail.
Paragraph one: Discuss the findings and trends in your community and environment assessment. Explain how they relate to your practicum topic.
Paragraph two: Examine the findings for indications of the social determinants of health (SDOH). Based on your observations, identify two strengths and two areas for improvement within the community.
Paragraph three: Consider your Community and Environment Assessment findings and selected educational material. Explain how this material is appropriate for your community. Discuss how it will help licensed healthcare professionals and community members improve health.
References: Provide complete references for all citations.
Step 4: Attach your educational material to the discussion post or insert the link into the post.

Posts should meet the following criteria:

Integrate Evidence: Cite at least two sources of evidence in weekly posts.

Integrate evidence from assigned reading(s) OR lesson.
Integrate evidence from at least one outside scholarly source as directed in the discussion directions.
Integrate evidence that supports the discussion.
Cite all scholarly sources, reading(s) OR lessons in an in-text citation within the post and include a complete reference at the bottom of the post.
Use sources no more than five years old unless they are historical references.

A critical and detailed community assessment is among the requirements for a practical community intervention approach. The assessment provides a clear insight into the community to unfold the underlying factors, identify issues, and develop effective interventions to handle the community. This community assessment report is about the practicum project aimed at collaborative community health intervention for population health, targeted at Wayne City in Michigan, US, and it looks into the findings of the community assessment, social determinants of health, and materials desirable to effect the community health intervention.
Paragraph one: Discuss the findings and trends in your community and environment assessment. Explain how they relate to your practicum topic.
Demographically, the community is multigenerational, comprising young children, adults, and older adults. The community is made up predominantly of adults aged 18 to 60. The population’s economic status is relatively moderate, pointing to a middle-class population. The community comprises active and mobile people, as seen from the study’s average number of people in transit. Although the community is active, the level of physical activity is low, as seen by lower rates of physically fit people and the