NR436 – Community Public and Population Health Nursing

NR436 Week 8 Practicum Project Collaboration Café: Evaluation of Mentorship and Project
Step 1: Reflect on your mentorship and Practicum Project. Answer all questions/ criteria below with explanations and details. No scholarly sources are required. You are encouraged to participate in the Week 8 Collaboration Café discussion early in the week to meet the practicum hours requirement by Wednesday.  Do not submit your practicum log until you have participated in this Collaboration Café discussion. You may submit your log through Saturday, 11:59 pm MT, without penalty. . Please note that submissions made after Saturday of Week 8, 11:59 pm MT, cannot be accepted.
Paragraph one: Reflect on your learning experience in this course. How do you envision using the concepts learned in this course in your future nursing practice as a baccalaureate-prepared nurse?
Paragraph two: Examine the following program outcomes. Select one and reflect on how receiving mentorship assisted you in achieving that outcome.

PO 2: Demonstrates leadership and collaboration with consumers and other healthcare providers in providing care and/or delegating responsibilities for health promotion, illness prevention, health restoration, health maintenance and rehabilitative activities.
PO 3: Communicates effectively with patient populations and other healthcare providers in managing the healthcare of individuals, families, aggregates and communities.
PO 8: Incorporates evidence-based practice in the provision of professional nursing care to individuals, families, aggregates and communities.

Paragraph three: Examine the following competencies from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials. Select one and reflect on how the Practicum Project assisted in achieving that competency.

3.1 Manage population health.
3.2 Engage in effective partnerships.
3.5 Demonstrate advocacy strategies.

Paragraph One:
This course in Community Public and Population Health Nursing has truly deepened my understanding of population health, health promotion, the prevention of illness, and the social determinants of the well-being of a community. It has expanded my thinking to understand health care not only as a concern of the individual but also as a corporate concern. These principles I would be able to apply as a future baccalaureate-prepared nurse through promoting