NR439: RN Evidence-Based Practice

Complete the PICOT Assignment worksheet template, by following the steps below.

Download the Week 2 PICOT Assignment worksheet template.. Use of this worksheet template is required. If the template is not used, a 10% deduction will be applied. See the rubric. Save the template and include your name in the file name.
Select a nursing practice problem from the approved list. The list is available in an announcement posted in preview week and in Week 1. The announcement is titled: IMPORTANT: Nursing Practice Problem Topics for Week 2 PICOT Assignment
Use information from the Week 2 lesson, feedback from the Week 2 Check-In, and external sources of evidence to complete the worksheet on your chosen topic.
Correctly cite and reference ideas and information that come from scholarly literature.  Sources should be no more than five years old.
Follow rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation consistent with formal, scientific writing.
Abide by Chamberlain University’s academic integrity policy.

Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the grading rubric). Answer the questions under each section with explanation and detail.
Section 1: Credible Nursing Practice Problem

Identify your selected nursing practice problem from the course announcement.
Summarize why you believe this nursing practice problem is an issue in your current or past area of practice.
Summarize current evidence identifying your selected nursing practice problem as a significant issue in nursing.
Cite one scholarly source as proof that this is a significant practice problem.

Section 2: PICOT Question

Define each PICOT element.

P- (Population):
I- (Intervention):
C- (Comparison):
O- (Outcome):
T- (Time frame in months):

Write out your PICOT question using the standard format: Use standard formatting: In _____ (P), how does _____ (I) compared to _____ (C) affect _____ (O) within _____ (T)?
Describe how you selected the population, intervention, outcome, and time frame.

Section 3: Evidence Search Terms and Strategies

Identify four relevant searchable words or phrases to be used in the search for evidence.
Identify one search strategy using Boolean Operators and a quotation.
Identify one search strategy using truncation.

Section 4: Evidence Retrieval
Using only the Chamberlain University Library, locate one peer-reviewed journal article that is relevant to your chosen nursing practice problem and intervention published within the past 5 years.

Provide the complete APA reference to the evidence, including the permalink. State which database you found your evidence in.
Explain why the evidence is relevant to your selected nursing practice problem and intervention.
Discuss how this evidence supports or does not support your population, intervention, outcome, and time frame in your PICOT question.
Explain what changes need to be made to your PICOT question.

Section 1: Credible Nursing Practice Problem

Identify your selected nursing practice problem from the course announcement.

The selected nursing practice problem is medication errors.

Summarize why you believe this nursing practice problem is the most important in your current or past area of practice.

Medication errors are common amongst elderly patients because they mostly take multiple drugs simultaneously, have multiple comorbidities owing to their age, and may have altered pharmacokinetics. That is why it is important to focus on medication errors in this population to enhance patient safety, decrease hospitalizations, and prevent complications from avoidable adverse drug events……………………… $10