NR439: RN Evidence-Based Practice
NR439 Week 5: Check-In
Question 1
I have located and downloaded the assigned article for the Week 5 assignment in the announcements.
Question 2
What is the title of the assigned article?
Your Answer:
Original research: A real Voice or Lip Service? Experiences of staff nurses who have served on staffing committees.
Question 3
What is the permalink for the assigned article? Copy and paste it below.
Note: To manage the articles you have found, you can capture the citations and permalinks in an MS Word document. A permalink lessens the need to print articles that you will use for only a short time, but still, allow you to access the article at a later time. Information about permalinks is titled: Find and Share Permalinks..
Your Answer:
Question 4
What is the complete APA reference for the assigned article?
Your Answer:
Bartmess, M. P., Myers, C. R., Thomas, S. P., Hardesty, P. D., & Atchley, K. (2024). A Real Voiceor Lip Service? Experiences of Staff Nurses Who Have Served on Staffing Committees. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 124(2), 20-31.
Question 5
What is the in-text citation for the assigned article?
(Bartmess et al., 2024)
Question 6
What challenges do you anticipate encountering during the critique process?
Your Answer:
I anticipate challenges such as fully understanding complex or technical language used in the article, especially if it includes dense theoretical frameworks or advanced statistical methods.
Question 7
Write two questions you have about the Critiquing Evidence Assignment. Course faculty will respond via the comment box in the grade book by 11:59 p.m. MT on Friday of Week 5.
Which critiquing approach should I use? purchase