NR451 RN Capstone Course
Interprofessional Partnerships
Step 1: Answer the discussion prompts below with explanation and detail.
Paragraph one: Imagine you are a member of a Quality Improvement Council that has an interprofessional membership, and you want to implement your change project. Summarize the overall goal of your change project and recognize Council members as stakeholders in the process.
Paragraph two: Describe each Council members roles and responsibilities specific to the change project. Explain how you would lead, inform, and coordinate the steps of the change project and leverage the expertise of each stakeholder.
Paragraph three: Explain how you would address conflicts or concerns among Council members during the planning of the change project. Describe strategies you could use to address resistance to change.
References: Provide complete references for all citations.
Paragraph one:
The major target of this change project is to improve the level of compliance with CRC screening recommendations as portrayed by adults who are between the ages of 45 and 75 years using structured patient education sessions and follow-up calls. This will be used to enhance screening for colorectal cancer among the targeted groups given the barriers like; knowledge gaps, fear, and practical difficulties. With a commitment from the Quality Improvement Council, active stakeholder participants such as the nurses, PCP, administrative personnel, IT professionals, and leaders are key participants in the implementation of this project