NR520 Applied Theoretical Foundations Scientific Inquiry and Decision-Making
Assignment Overview
Consider different professional practice issues related to future professional practice in the masters-prepared advanced practice role. Think about your practicum project and where this will take place.
What issues or problems, related to your area of interest, have you identified in the practicum practice setting? (Other suggested issues or problems might include unit nurse staffing, supply access, patient falls, or staff to patient/family communication). How might you resolve the issues or problems with an evidence-based practice quality improvement project?
How might you resolve the issues or problems with an evidence-based practice quality improvement project?
To successfully complete this assignment, you will need the following supplemental items.
Complete the Project Professional Practice Issue form.
Choose one quantitative and one qualitative scholarly source which will help you identify why this issue or problem is important to nursing and healthcare. Answer the questions related to quantitative and qualitative research within the Professional Practice Issue form.