NR520 – Applied Theoretical Foundations Scientific Inquiry and Decision-Making

Working in Complex Adaptive Systems
The focus of this module is on the knowledge and skills needed to practice in complex adaptive systems. As a master’s-prepared nurse, you will need to possess leadership and system thinking skills to successfully manage changes within a microsystem.
Think of a microsystem change that occurred in your current or past professional workplace, and respond to the following:

Describe the microsystem change that occurred and the implications that were realized on the meso- and macrosystems within the organization.
What knowledge, skills, and attitudes were demonstrated by the leader?
How did these actions facilitate or impede the change implementation?
Based on this experience, as a leader, what new awareness do you now have on how you will manage change to advance person-centered care within a complex, adaptive system ?
What strategies will you use to implement change within a microsystem, and why?

I have been a nurse for over 30 years, and I spent the majority of those years as a Charge Nurse in a cardiac unit.  The good thing about time is that technology is always advancing allowing us to provide better care to our patients.  One microsystem change that occurred was when the cardiac telemetry unit introduced Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) to continuously track patients’ vital signs and heart rhythms remotely.  This change aimed to improve patient outcomes by allowing real-time monitoring and early detection of arrhythmias, reducing the need for frequent physical check-ups, and enhancing………………………………..