Choose one of the scenarios in episodes 1 through 7. Create a presentation with voiceover in which you examine the effectiveness of advanced practice nursing in the scenario.

Introduction (1 slide)
Reflect on the ethics of the workplace (2-3 slides) 

What ethics theory was mainly followed: utilitarianism, duty, deontology, egalitarianism, right, and virtues?
What ethical principle (justice, beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy) influenced the practice?
How did the practiced ethics affect the patient’s outcomes?
How would you handle the scenario ethically? Similarly or differently?

Reflect on the financial management (2-3 slides)

How did the finances affect the healthcare decision in the scenario?
What financial, billing, or reimbursement practices would you support or disagree with, and why?

Reflect on the politics and policies  (2-3 slides)

Identify a practice you would want to change and describe how you would propose and lead collaborative/interprofessional effort using one of the leadership models to create the desired change.

References (1 slide)- Include 2–3 scholarly resources in APA Style. Examples of scholarly sources include professional journal articles and books obtained from library databases, national guidelines, and informatics organizations published within the last five years.

