The purposes of this assignment are to understand the role of the APN in federal strategic planning and to identify actions the APN can take to attain plan goals within an individual practice.
View the video: A brief overview/summary of the ONCs 2020 to 2025 Federal Health IT strategic plan.
Review this infographic on the four goals for the 5-year period from the federal strategic plan (link to full document here):
Compose a 2-3 page paper to answer the following questions:
What specific actions can you take as an APN to assist in attaining two or more of the four goals in the plan?
What aspects of health information technology will assist you, or will be an obstacle, in your endeavors?
What changes are required in the four domains of nursing practice to accomplish these two goals? The four domains of nursing practice in the CARE model: Federal Health IT Strategic Plan_2020_2025compressed.pdf Clinical, Administration, Research, and Education (of nurses). (2020). 2020-2025 Federal Health IT Strategic Plan. Retrieved from
Health Info,. A brief overview/summary of the ONCs 2020 to 2025 Federal Health IT strategic plan [Video file]. Retrieved from
Promote of Health and Wellness
Looking at this goal has three major objectives (, 2020). The first objective is to improve individual access to usable health information in which case as an APN, it is important to educate the patients on how they can access reliable health information online and guide them towards reputable sources. It is also important to advocate for the development of patient education materials that are easy to understand or access (Franca et al., 2020)