Submission Type: Data Visualization created in Tableau Public ( to an external site.) with reflection.
Details: This weeks assignment will demonstrate the use of data visualization techniques and their use in healthcare. APNs can use data visualization in presentations and reports for background on a population health problem. Simple or complex data sets with the right visualization enable people see, interact with, and better understand data, regardless of their level of expertise.
Sign up at Tableau Public ( to an external site. ). Please use your WCU email so that your submissions can be located via the search function.
Click on the Resource Icon and watch the videos under the Learn Menu.
Complete the following using a data set downloaded from one of these sites:
In Tableau, click on Sample Data to choose a health-related data set from the list
For a federal dataset, go to to an external site..Click on Browse, then refine the search using the left menu to choose Datasets to search for a health dataset.
Follow all the steps in Tableau Tutorials to create a meaningful data story from the data set.
Create a data visualization with at least one graphic display, an interactive map, and a dashboard.
Add notes to the display to explain trends or conclusions.
Share your final work in Tableau Public. Be sure to copy the link to place in your assignment submission.
Create a 1-page reflection on your experience with the data visualization and its application to APN practice.
Submit the following items for the Canvas assignment:
The link to your work on Tableau Public.
The link to the data set you used.
Upload the Tableau and data set files to the Canvas assignment.
Upload the reflection.
Data Visualization Software and Data Mining Techniques
Reflecting on the data visualization using Tableau, I would like to say that its application to Advanced Practice Nursing is critical in that it can help in highlighting the complex data into actionable insights. The process has showed that data visualizations can help the APNs in making decisions thereby improving patient care as well as enhance communication with both the patient and the interdisciplinary teams. Further, data visualization tools like tables, charts and heat maps allow the APNs to quickly grasp the trends or patterns in patient data. This is important in that it leads to more accurate diagnosis thereby allow the APNs to come up with effective plans for treatments and in managing chronic diseases.