Examine the APRN scope of practice laws and regulations in your state and discuss the following:
To what extent do these permit APRNs to practice to the full extent of their education and training?
What other legal or regulatory barriers do APRNs in your state face, including federal ones?
The nursing profession has laws that govern our scope of practice. In the State of Florida, Chapter 464 of the Florida Statutes outlines said scope. Section 464.012 is specific to APRNs (The 2024, 2024). The law states that advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) can practice in primary care, which encompasses family medicine, general pediatrics, and general internal medicine (The 2024, 2024). he advanced practice registered nurse is authorized to carry out particular tasks, such as nursing diagnosis, nursing treatment, medical diagnosis and treatment, prescription writing, and operation within the parameters of a predetermined supervision protocol (Toney-Butler, 2023).