NR439: RN Evidence-Based Practice

Discussion: Qualitative Research
Step 1: Consider the Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time (PICOT) question developed in Week 2.
Step 2: Locate one qualitative article that addresses your PICOT question and answer the discussion prompts below with explanation and detail.
Paragraph one: Write your PICOT question. Discuss the qualitative nature and purpose of the study you have chosen. How do you know this is a qualitative study? What type of qualitative study is it? What is the purpose of the study?
Paragraph two: Discuss the method of the study. How did the researchers collect the data? Is this method adequate to address the purpose of the study? What is the sample in the study, and is it appropriate, given the method?
Paragraph three: Summarize the findings of the study. What is the projected significance of the study to nursing? What are the recommendations for future study?
References: Provide complete references for all citations. Include citations and a reference for the qualitative study you selected to address your PICOT question.

Posts should meet the following criteria:

Integrate Evidence: Cite at least two sources of evidence in weekly posts.

Integrate evidence from assigned reading(s) OR lesson.
Integrate evidence from at least one outside scholarly source as directed in the discussion directions.
Integrate evidence that supports the discussion.
Cite all scholarly sources, reading(s), OR lessons in an in-text citation within the post and include a complete reference at the bottom of the post.
Use sources no more than five years old unless they are historical references.

Paragraph One:
The PICOT question for my study is, “In elderly patients (P), how does a pharmacist-led medication review (I) compared to standard care (C) affect the rate of medication errors (O) within six months (T)?” In choosing my article, I limited myself to a qualitative study only which involved a comparison of pharmacists’ encounters in medication reviews for elderly patients and their perceived effectiveness of reducing medication mistakes as enumerated in their study titled ‘Medication Reviews by Pharmacists for Elderly Patients: A Focus Group Study’. This study is phenomenological in design because…………………. $5