NR447 – Collaborative Leadership in Healthcare

Preparing the Assignment Emotional Intelligence
Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.

Complete this assignment following the steps below.

Choose the format you want to use for your presentation: Infographic or PowerPoint Presentation.

Follow the specific directions below for your selected format.
Download the appropriate assignment template for the selected presentation format. Use of the template is required. A 10% deduction will be applied if the template is not used. Save the appropriate template to your computer with your last name as part of the file name. See the rubric.
Type your responses on the template. Do not submit handwritten notes. Use the results of the emotional intelligence (EI) quiz within the lesson to perform a personal SWOT analysis. The links to the EI quiz and SWOT analysis steps are included in the lesson.

Use this information to complete your chosen template.
When complete, save the completed template.

Click the Submit button at the top of this page to upload your completed assignment template.
Correctly cite and reference ideas and information that come from scholarly literature. Sources should be no more than five years old unless they are historical references. You may use references from the lesson.
Follow grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation rules consistent with formal, professional writing.
Abide by Chamberlain University’s academic integrity policy.

See below for templates and instructions specific to the Infographic and PowerPoint formats.
Format: Infographic

Use to create an infographic. Watch this video. to learn more about using Canva. Follow the instructions provided to begin using Canva Free.
Open the infographic format of the Emotional Intelligence Leadership SWOT Analysis assignment infographic template..

Please use this job aid. as needed to help with Canva.
Insert images and text as appropriate. Customize colors and fonts. Do not change any headings. Ensure the infographic is readable and well-organized.

Format: PowerPoint 

Use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a PowerPoint presentation.
Download the Emotional Intelligence Leadership SWOT Analysis assignment PowerPoint template..

Insert images and text as appropriate. Customize colors and fonts if you like. Do not change any headings or the number of slides. Create slides that are professional in appearance and tone and balanced spatially, including words and graphics.

Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the grading rubric). Answer the questions under each section with explanation and detail.
Section 1: Introduction  

Title slide.
Explain the purpose of the presentation (i.e., The purpose of this presentation is to explain the results of the Emotional Intelligence assessment and my SWOT plan…).
What is emotional intelligence?
Why is your reflection on your EI score important in leadership development? Include references here.

Section 2: Strengths  

What do you do well?
What do others see as your strengths?
What abilities or values set you apart?

Section 3: Weaknesses 

What are others likely to see as weaknesses?
What are your negative habits?
What could you improve?

Section 4: Opportunities 

What opportunities are open to you?
What trends could you take advantage of?
How can you turn your strengths into opportunities?

Section 5: Threats 

What obstacles to professional growth do you currently face?
Could any of your weaknesses lead to threats?

Section 6: Final Reflection 

Summarize results
Are they accurate?
How will this exercise help you in achieving your SMART goal formed in week 2?

Section 7: Adherence to Assignment Guidelines 

Includes reference list. Feel free to use sources from the lesson.
Includes in-text citations.
Follows instructions for format and length.
Presentation is clear, organized, and professional.

(ppt presentation)