NR520 – Applied Theoretical Foundations Scientific Inquiry and Decision-Making

Assignment Overview: application of nursing theory
Think about your practicum project and the issue you identified in Module 3. What issue or problem did you identify? (Note: You may have also selected a prominent nursing practice issue that is of interest to you.) Analyze scholarly literature related to the issue/problem of and strategies for resolution. Review different nursing theories that could support a resolution to the practice issue or problem you have identified. NOTE: Many students may be inclined to choose Lewin’s Change Theory. This is not a nursing theory and would not apply to the required content for this assignment.
In a three-to-six-page scholarly paper, address the following elements.  Include a minimum of three scholarly sources, current within 5 years, to support your work.  See rubric for specific, required content criteria within each section of the presentation:

Description of Issue or Problem
Nursing Theory
Application of Theory
