1500 words
Apply theoretical frameworks and practical insights of the Transformational Change Management course to a real-world organisation of their choice.
files below with all instructions
Assessment Brief – Final |
Academic year 2024/25, FALL |
Course |
BCOBM312 Transformational Change Management (5 ECTS) |
Lecturer |
Dr. Angelos Vouldis – Omar Sakkjiha – Christanna Brodbar – Miguel Martins |
Assessment Brief – Final |
Academic year 2024/25, FALL |
Course |
BCOBM312 Transformational Change Management (5 ECTS) |
Lecturer |
Dr. Angelos Vouldis – Omar Sakkjiha – Christanna Brodbar – Miguel Martins |
This assignment is an opportunity to critically analyse and propose strategies for transformational change management within a real-world organisation. You are expected to apply theoretical frameworks and practical insights from the course to create a comprehensive and analytical report. The following instructions will guide you through each component of the assignment:
Part 1: Organisational Analysis 1. Organisation Selection
Introduction: Begin by selecting an organisation that has undergone or is currently undergoing significant transformational changes. This could be due to technological advancements, market shifts, mergers, or other major factors.
Description: Provide a concise introduction to the chosen organisation, including:
Industry: Specify the industry in which the organisation operates.
Size: Discuss the scale of the organisation in terms of employees, revenue, and market reach.
Market Position: Describe the organisation’s position within its industry, including market share, key competitors, and overall strategic direction.
2. Current Transformational Practices Analysis of Practices: Critically analyse the organisation’s current change management practices by addressing the following aspects:
Technological Changes: Evaluate how the organisation manages the adoption and integration of new technologies. Consider the frameworks discussed in the course, such as digital transformation strategies and the implementation of advanced technologies.
Cultural Shifts: Examine how the organisation handles cultural changes, including shifts in organisational values, leadership styles, and employee engagement. Reference relevant cultural change theories and models. Employee Resistance: Analyse the organisation’s approach to managing resistance to change. Consider both formal strategies (e.g., training programmes, communication plans) and informal mechanisms (e.g., leadership influence, team dynamics).
Critical Engagement: Engage with theoretical concepts from the course, such as Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model, Lewin’s Change Management Theory, or the McKinsey 7-S Framework. Discuss how these theories are reflected in the organisation’s current practices.
3. Challenges and Outcomes
Identification of Challenges: Identify and critically discuss the major challenges the organisation has faced during its transformation process. These could include technological disruptions, cultural resistance, or leadership challenges.
Assessment of Outcomes: Assess the outcomes of the organisation’s current change management practices. Focus on their effectiveness in terms of:
Organisational Efficiency: How have the changes impacted overall efficiency and productivity?
Employee Adaptation: How well have employees adapted to the changes? Consider engagement, satisfaction, and turnover rates.
Market Competitiveness: Has the transformation enhanced the organisation’s competitiveness within its industry?
Part 2: Strategic Proposal for Transformation 1. Innovation and Technology
Proposals for Innovation: Suggest innovative strategies for leveraging technology to enhance the organisation’s transformational practices. Consider areas such as:
Digital Transformation: Propose how the organisation can further integrate digital technologies, such as AI, automation, or data analytics, to support its transformation efforts.
Technology Roll-Outs: Recommend best practices for implementing new technologies, ensuring minimal disruption and maximum adoption.
2. Overcoming Resistance
Strategies to Mitigate Resistance: Develop strategies to manage and mitigate resistance to change. Incorporate concepts from the course, such as:
Communication and Engagement: Propose methods to improve communication and engagement throughout the transformation process, ensuring that employees understand and support the changes. Training and Development: Suggest training programmes to enhance employees’ skills and reduce resistance, focusing on building media literacy and data competency as discussed in the course units.
Cultural Alignment: Recommend ways to align the organisational culture with the proposed changes, drawing on insights from cultural change theories.
3. Implementation Roadmap
Detailed Action Plan: Provide a comprehensive action plan for implementing the proposed strategies. This should include:
Timelines: Outline key phases of the implementation process, with specific timelines for each phase.
Milestones: Identify critical milestones that will indicate progress and success in the implementation.
Stakeholder Roles: Define the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders involved in the transformation.
Resource Allocation: Detail the resources required, including budget, personnel, and technology, to successfully implement the strategies.
Final Considerations
Critical Thinking: Your analysis and proposals should demonstrate critical thinking, integrating theoretical knowledge with practical application.
Evidence-Based Arguments: Support your analysis with evidence from academic sources, case studies, and real-world examples.
Clarity and Structure: Ensure that your report is well-organised, with clear headings, logical flow, and precise language.
Referencing: Use the appropriate referencing style (e.g., Harvard, APA) as specified by your course guidelines. Ensure all sources are properly cited.
Written assignment
Your submission must meet the following formatting requirements:
· Number of files for submission: 1
· Required file format for main submission: PDF
Other details:
· Font: Arial
· Font size: 11
· Spacing: 1,5
· Number of words: 1.500
All refencing and citations require
Harvard referencing style.
1. Critically review the necessary conditions for successful business transformation.
2. Construct a clear idea of the interconnectedness between technology, society, and emerging business styles.
5. Formulate deeper insight regarding the inevitability of experiencing some level of resistance to change with respect to certain employees as well as employers.
Go to the next page to see the assessment criteria.
Discussion Forum
Learning Descriptors |
Fail Below 70% |
Fair |
Good |
Exceptional |
Content knowledge
40% |
Discussion does not promote basic use of content. Posts do not demonstrate participants’ adequate understanding of content knowledge. Examples do not depict understanding of concepts and are unclear and inaccurate. |
Discussion promotes use of content that lacks coherence. Posts demonstrate limited understanding of content knowledge. This is evidenced with little or no use of concepts and terminology across posts/threads. Examples are correct with few details. |
Discussion promotes uncertain or misguided use of concepts. Posts demonstrate participants have not fully grasped content knowledge. This is evidenced with only some use of concepts and terminology across posts/threads. Examples are correct with some details.
Discussion promotes basic use of content. Posts demonstrate participants’ adequate understanding of content knowledge. This is evidenced by use of concepts and terminology across some posts/threads. Examples depict understanding of concepts and are clear and accurate. |
Discussion promotes sophisticated use of content. Posts demonstrate participants’ mastery of content knowledge. This is evidenced by extensive use of concepts and terminology across most or all posts/threads. Examples depict understanding of concepts and are clear and accurate. Posts engage concepts critically.
10% |
Posts do not connect to the assignment/previous posts by not addressing of its components. Relevant course topics are not mentioned with connections to course material or topics learned with some details/elaboration. Posts do not draw links between course content and participants’ own professional practice, with no elaboration. |
Posts make only minimal reference to the assignment/previous posts and address hardly any components of the assignment/previous post. Relevant course topics are mentioned with very limited connections to course material or topics learned, or with minimal details or elaboration. Participants’ professional practice is not mentioned.
Posts do not connect to the assignment/previous posts and address few components of the assignment/previous post. Relevant course topics are mentioned with very few connections to course material or topics learned, or with no details or elaboration. The participants rarely or never mention their own professional practice. |
Posts connect to the assignment/previous posts by addressing some of its components. Relevant course topics are mentioned with connections to course material or topics learned with some details/elaboration. Posts draw links between course content and participants’ own professional practice, with some elaboration still needed. |
Posts connect to the assignment/previous posts by addressing most or all its components and linking them to course material or topics learned. Posts draw insightful links between course content and professional practice, with a detailed explanation of participants’ own professional practice. |
20% |
Posts do not point to areas of agreement or disagreement and do not ask clarification questions about previous posts. |
Little attempt is made to respond to previous comments and/or discussion questions. |
Posts are disjointed.
Posts mostly point to areas of agreement or disagreement and asking clarification questions about previous posts. |
Discussion across the posts serves to build new ideas or stimulate further insight. |
Timeliness |
Participants do not show any |
Participants show no initiative by |
Participants show little initiative by |
Participants show some initiative by posting |
Participants show a lot of initiative by posting |
Participation in all assessment activities stated in this document is required. The minimum pass grade for the course is 70. Due dates and times are always in Geneva time.
20% |
initiative by not posting replies or comments within one week. Participants do not invite responses from classmates. Discussion does not end by a deadline. |
posting replies or comments after more than one week. Participants suggest no ideas that encourage responses. Discussion among participants is very limited.
posting replies or comments after more than one week. Participants suggest few ideas that encourage responses. Discussion among participants begins late or not at all (e.g. instructor must prompt them when the module is over). |
replies or comments within one week. Participants invite responses from classmates. Discussion ends by a deadline. |
replies or comments within days. Participants invite peer responses and engage in meaningful interaction in the discussions. Discussion ends by a deadline (e.g. end of that module).
10% |
Overall, participants do not follow online conventions, lack courtesy towards fellow participants by being disrespectful, impolite and adopt a negative tone in posts. Participants fail to acknowledge previous posts. |
Overall, participants sometimes follow online conventions and at times lack courtesy towards fellow participants, make curt responses or use an overly critical tone in posts. Participants often do not acknowledge previous posts. |
Overall, participants do not always follow online conventions and occasionally do not extend courtesy towards fellow participants, make curt responses or use a slightly critical tone in posts. Participants sometimes do not acknowledge previous posts. |
Overall, participants follow online conventions, extend courtesy towards fellow participants by being respectful, polite and adopting a positive tone in posts. |
Overall, participants follow online conventions, extend courtesy towards fellow participants by being respectful, polite and adopting a positive tone in posts. Participants compliment and provide constructive feedback to previous posts. |
Written assignment
Learning Descriptors |
Fail Below 70% |
Fair 70-79% |
Good |
Exceptional |
Purpose & Understanding
25% |
Very poor coverage of central purpose, goals, research questions or arguments with little relevant information evident. Virtually no evidence of understanding or focus. |
Minimal understanding of purpose of the study; factual errors evident. Gaps in knowledge and superficial understanding. A few lines of relevant material. |
Reasonable understanding and clearly identifies the purpose, goals, research questions or argument. Reflect partial achievement of learning outcomes. |
A sound grasp of, and clearly identifies, the purpose, goals, research questions or argument. Some wider study beyond the classroom content shown. |
Effectively describes and explains the central purpose, arguments, research questions, or goals of the project; explanation is focused, detailed and compelling. Recognition of alternative forms of evidence beyond that supplied in the classroom. |
Content |
Content is unclear, inaccurate |
Limited content that does not really support the |
Presents some information that adequately supports the |
Presents clear and appropriate information that adequately supports |
Presents balanced, significant and |
Participation in all assessment activities stated in this document is required. The minimum pass grade for the course is 70. Due dates and times are always in Geneva time.
20% |
and/or incomplete. Brief and irrelevant. Descriptive. Only personal views offered. Unsubstantiated and does not support the purpose, argument or goals of the project. Reader gains no insight through the content of the project. |
purpose of the report. Very poor coverage. Displays only rudimentary knowledge of the content area. Reader gains few if any insights |
central purpose, arguments, goals, or research questions of the project. Although parts missing, it demonstrates a level of partially proficient knowledge of the content area. Reader gains some insights. |
the central purpose, arguments, goals or research questions of the project. Demonstrates satisfactory knowledge of the content area. Reader gains proficient insights. |
valid information that clearly and convincingly supports the central purpose, arguments, research questions or goals of the project. Demonstrates indepth and specialised knowledge of the content area. The reader gains important insights |
5% |
Information/cont ent is not logically organized or presented. Topics/paragraph s are frequently disjointed and fail to make sense together. Reader cannot identify a line of reasoning and loses interest. |
Information/cont ent is not, at times, logically organized or presented. Topics/paragraph s are frequently disjointed which makes the content hard to follow. The reader finds it hard to understand the flow of the report. |
Information/content is presented in a reasonable sequence. Topic/paragraph transition is unclear in places with linkages for the most part. Reader can generally understand and follow the line of reasoning, although work needed to be proficiently organized. |
Information/content is presented in a clear and understandable sequence. Topic/paragraph transition is good with clear linkages between sections and arguments. Reader can understand and follow the line of reasoning. |
Information/cont ent is presented in a logical, interesting and effective sequence. Topics and arguments flow smoothly and coherently from one to another and are clearly linked. Reader can easily follow the line of reasoning and enjoyed reading the report. |
Style & Tone
5% |
Writing is poor, unclear and unengaging, and the reader finds it difficult to read and maintain interest. Tone is not professional or suitable for an academic research project. A reorganization and rewrite is needed. |
Writing is unengaging and reader finds it difficult to maintain interest. Tone is not consistently professional or suitable for an academic research project. Work needed on academic writing style. |
Writing is usually engaging and keeps the reader’s attention. Tone is generally appropriate for an academic research project, although a clearer and more professional style and tone is needed. |
Writing style and tone is generally good and sustains interest throughout. Tone is professional and appropriate for an academic research project. |
Writing is compelling and sustains interest throughout. Tone is consistently professional and appropriate for an academic research project. |
Use of References |
Little or no evidence of reference sources |
Most references are from sources that are not |
Professionally legitimate references are generally used. Fair citations are |
Professionally and academically legitimate references are used. Clear |
Presents compelling evidence from |
Participation in all assessment activities stated in this document is required. The minimum pass grade for the course is 70. Due dates and times are always in Geneva time.
5% |
in the report. Content not supported and based on unsubstantiated views. |
peer- reviewed or professional, and have uncertain reliability. Few if any appropriate citations are provided. Reader doubts the validity of much of the material. |
presented in most cases. Some of the information/content/evid ence comes from sources that are reliable, but more academic sources needed to be convincing. |
and accurate citations are presented in most cases. The majority of the information/content/evid ence comes from sources that are reliable. |
professionally and academically legitimate sources. Attribution is clear and accurate. References are 75% from primarily peerreviewed professional journals or other approved sources. |
5% |
Research project exhibits no formatting, or frequent and significant errors in Harvard formatting. |
There are too many errors in the Harvard formatting to be acceptable as a partially proficient piece. |
Harvard formatting is employed in the research project with minor errors. A review and rework of format and style of referencing in text and in the bibliography is needed. |
Harvard formatting is used accurately and consistently throughout the research project, although some issues are apparent as the reader is unable to find sources. |
Harvard formatting is used accurately and consistently throughout the research project. Accurate hyperlinks are included where required, making it easy for readers to review sources. |
Written Communication Skills
5% |
The written project exhibits multiple errors in grammar, sentence structure and/or spelling. Inadequate writing skills (e.g., weaknesses in language facility and mechanics) hinder readability and contribute to an ineffective research project. |
The written project exhibits errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. The written project comes across as untidy and not properly checked for mistakes. Errors present in written communication make readability frustrating. |
Written research project displays good word choice, language conventions and mechanics with a few minor errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure and/or punctuation. Errors do not represent a major distraction or obscure meaning. |
Readability of the project is good due to the clarity of language used. Grammar, spelling and punctuation is without error. Spelling and grammar thoroughly checked. |
Readability of the project is enhanced by facility in language use/word choice. Excellent mechanics and syntactic variety. Uses language conventions effectively (e.g., spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, paragraphing, grammar, etc.). |
Analytical / Critical Thinking Skills |
Research problem, concept or idea is not clearly articulated, or its component elements are not identified or |
Research problem, concept or idea is not clearly articulated at times and confusing. Research |
Adequately identifies and describes (or sketches out) the research problem, concept or idea and its components. Gathers and examines information relating to the research problem, |
Formulates a clear description of the research problem, concept or idea, and specifies major elements to be examined. Selects information appropriate to addressing the research problem, |
Effectively formulates a clear description of the research problem, concept or idea, and specifies major elements to be |
Participation in all assessment activities stated in this document is required. The minimum pass grade for the course is 70. Due dates and times are always in Geneva time.
20% |
described. Research information is poorly organized, categorized and/or not examined; research information is often inaccurate or incomplete. Presents little if any analysis or interpretation; inaccurately and/or inappropriately applies research methods, techniques, models, frameworks and/or theories to the analysis. Presents few solutions or conclusions; solutions or conclusions are often not well supported, are inaccurate and/or inconsistent, and are presented in a vague or rudimentary manner. |
information is badly organized, categorized, and/or only superficially examined; research information is often incomplete. Presents limited analysis or interpretation; inaccurately and/or inappropriately applies research methods, techniques, models, frameworks and/or theories to the analysis. Presents some solutions or conclusions but they are often not well supported, or logical. |
concept or idea; presents and appraises research information with some minor inconsistencies, irrelevancies or omissions. Generally applies appropriate research methods, techniques, models, frameworks and/or theories although with inaccuracies. Outlines solutions or conclusions that are somewhat logical and consistent with the analysis and evidence; identifies and/or lists solutions or conclusions although not always clearly. |
concept or idea; accurately and appropriately analyses and interprets relevant research information. Effectively applies appropriate research methods, techniques, models, frameworks and/or theories in developing and justifying multiple solutions or conclusions; solutions or conclusions are coherent, well supported and complete. |
examined. Selects and prioritizes information appropriate to addressing the research problem, concept, or idea; accurately and appropriately analyzes and interprets relevant research information. Precisely and effectively applies appropriate research methods, employs advanced skills to conduct research. Uses techniques, models, frameworks and/or theories in developing and justifying multiple solutions or conclusions; solutions or conclusions are insightful, coherent, well supported, logically consistent and complete. Displays a mastery of complex and specialized areas. |
Integration Skills
10% |
Shows little ability to employ theory and practice across the functional areas of business in the assessment of issues relating to the research problem, concept, or idea. Does not recognize or |
Shows some ability to employ theory and practice across the functional areas of business in the assessment of issues relating to the research problem, concept or idea. Recognizes organizational issues relevant to |
Exhibits application of principles, theories and practices across the functional areas of business to the analysis of the research problem, concept or idea. With some exceptions, outlines and describes (or sketches out) some cross- functional organizational issues that are relevant to the research problem, concept or idea. |
Demonstrates an ability to integrate and apply principles, theories and practices across the functional areas of business to the analysis of the research problem, concept or idea. Identifies, examines and critically evaluates important cross- functional organizational issues associated with the research problem, |
Demonstrates well-developed ability to integrate and apply principles, theories and practices across the functional areas of business to the analysis of the research problem, concept or idea. Effectively |
Participation in all assessment activities stated in this document is required. The minimum pass grade for the course is 70. Due dates and times are always in Geneva time.
correctly identify cross-functional organizational issues relevant to the research problem, concept or idea. Does not adequately evaluate the research problem, concept or idea in light of relevant principles, theories and practices across the business functional areas. Few if any solutions, recommendation s for action, or conclusions are presented, and/or they are not appropriately justified or supported. |
the research problem, concept or idea but does not show understanding. Does not adequately evaluate the research problem, concept or idea in light of relevant principles, theories and practices across the business functional areas. Some solutions offered but difficult to understand. Recommendation s for action, or conclusions are presented, but they are often not well supported, or logical. |
Adequately identifies and describes (or summarizes) solutions, recommendations for action, or conclusions that are, for the most part, appropriate, but which need to be more aligned with principles and concepts in the functional areas of business. |
concept or idea. Clearly justifies solutions, recommendations for action, or conclusions based on analytics and an insightful synthesis of cross-disciplinary principles and concepts in the functional areas of business. |
identifies, examines and critically evaluates important crossfunctional organizational issues associated with the research problem, concept, or idea. Clearly and effectively justifies solutions, recommendatio ns for action, or conclusions based on strong analytics and an insightful synthesis of cross-disciplinary principles and concepts in the functional areas of business. Can link thinking across disciplines and contexts. |
Task 2.3: Application of Transformational Change
Management in a
Specific Organisation
Written assignment ( 50%)
§ Your submission must meet the following formatting
§ • Number of files for submission: 1
§ Required file format for main submission: PDF
§ Other details:
§ Font: Arial
§ Font size: 11
§ Spacing: 1,5
§ • Number of words: 1.500
§ All refencing and citations require Harvard referencing
§ Apply theoretical frameworks and practical
insights of the Transformational Change
Management course to a real-world
organization of their choice.
§ This assignment is an opportunity to critically
analyze and propose strategies for
transformational change management within
a real-world organization. You are expected to
apply theoretical frameworks and practical
insights from the course to create a
comprehensive and analytical report. The
following instructions will guide you through
each component of the assignment
Part 1
Selection +
§ Introduction: Begin by selecting an organization that has
undergone or is currently undergoing significant
transformational changes. This could be due to
technological advancements, market shifts, mergers, or
other major factors.
§ Description: Provide a concise introduction to the
chosen organization, including:
§ Industry: Specify the industry in which the organization
§ Size: Discuss the scale of the organization in terms of
employees, revenue, and market reach.
§ Market Position: Describe the organization’s position
within its industry, including market share, key
competitors, and overall strategic direction.
§ Analysis of Practices: Critically analyze the organization’s current
change management practices by addressing the following
§ Technological Changes: Evaluate how the organization manages
the adoption and integration of new technologies. Consider the
frameworks discussed in the course, such as digital
transformation strategies and the implementation of advanced
§ Cultural Shifts: Examine how the organization handles cultural
changes, including shifts inorganization values, leadership styles,
and employee engagement. Reference relevant cultural change
theories and models.
§ Employee Resistance: Analyze the organization’s approach to
managing resistance to change. Consider both formal strategies
(e.g., training programs, communication plans) and informal
mechanisms (e.g., leadership influence, team dynamics).
§ Critical Engagement: Engage with theoretical concepts from the
course, such as Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model, Lewin’s Change
Management Theory, or the McKinsey 7-S Framework. Discuss
how these theories are reflected in the organization’s current
Challenges and
§ Identification of Challenges: Identify and critically discuss
the major challenges the organization has faced during its
transformation process. These could include technological
disruptions, cultural resistance, or leadership challenges.
§ Assessment of Outcomes: Assess the outcomes of the
organization’s current change management practices.
Focus on their effectiveness in terms of:
§ Organizational Efficiency: How have the changes impacted
overall efficiency and productivity?
§ Employee Adaptation: How well have employees adapted
to the changes? Consider engagement, satisfaction, and
turnover rates.
§ Market Competitiveness: Has the transformation enhanced
the organization’s competitiveness within its industry?
Part 2: Strategic
Proposal for
– Innovation and
§ Proposals for Innovation: Suggest innovative strategies
for leveraging technology to enhance the organization’s
transformational practices. Consider areas such as:
§ Digital Transformation: Propose how the organization
can further integrate digital technologies, such as AI,
automation, or data analytics, to support its
transformation efforts.
§ Technology Roll-Outs: Recommend best practices for
implementing new technologies, ensuring minimal
disruption and maximum adoption
2. Overcoming
§ Strategies to Mitigate Resistance: Develop strategies to
manage and mitigate resistance to change. Incorporate
concepts from the course, such as:
§ Communication and Engagement: Propose methods to
improve communication and engagement throughout the
transformation process, ensuring that employees
understand and support the changes.
§ Training and Development: Suggest training programs to
enhance employees’ skills and reduce resistance,
focusing on building media literacy and data competency
as discussed in the course units.
§ Cultural Alignment: Recommend ways to align the
organizational culture with the proposed
changes,drawing on insights from cultural change
§ Detailed Action Plan: Provide a comprehensive action plan
for implementing the proposed strategies.
This should include:
§ Timelines: Outline key phases of the implementation
process, with specific timelines for each phase.
§ Milestones: Identify critical milestones that will indicate
progress and success in the implementation.
§ Stakeholder Roles: Define the roles and responsibilities of
key stakeholders involved in the transformation.
§ Resource Allocation: Detail the resources required,
including budget, personnel, and technology, to successfully
implement the strategies.
§ Critical Thinking: Your analysis and proposals should
demonstrate critical thinking, integrating theoretical
knowledge with practical application.
§ Evidence-Based Arguments: Support your analysis with
evidence from academic sources, case studies, and
real-world examples.
§ Clarity and Structure: Ensure that your report is well-
organized, with clear headings, logical flow, and precise
§ Referencing: Use the appropriate referencing style
(e.g., Harvard, APA) as specified by your course
§ Ensure all sources are properly cited