The first step of the strategic development process is to determine the “Where to Play” choice that will then help you identify the segment of the market you are targeting and the competitors you will face.

  •  Download Strategy Project Company Selection Guidelines Strategy Project Company Selection Guidelines Download Strategy Project Company Selection Guidelines Review the Strategy Project Company Selection Guidelines Download Strategy Project Company Selection Guidelines and specify the company (and specific division or product if your company is large and diverse) you will use for Assignments 1, 2, and 3. Provide a brief description of the company and the overall market in which they operate. And specify the company (and specific division or product if your company is large and diverse) you will use for Assignments 1, 2, and 3. Provide a brief description of the company and the overall market in which they operate.and specify the company (and specific division or product if your company is large and diverse) you will use for Assignments 1, 2, and 3. Provide a brief description of the company and the overall market in which they operate. Project Company Selection Guidelines Download Strategy Project Company Selection Guidelines Review the Strategy Project Company Selection Guidelines Download Strategy Project Company Selection Guidelines and specify the company (and specific division or product if your company is large and diverse) you will use for Assignments 1, 2, and 3. Provide a brief description of the company and the overall market in which they operate. And specify the company (and specific division or product if your company is large and diverse) you will use for Assignments 1, 2, and 3. Provide a brief description of the company and the overall market in which they operate.and specify the company (and specific division or product if your company is large and diverse) you will use for Assignments 1, 2, and 3. Provide a brief description of the company and the overall market in which they operate.and specify the company (and specific division or product if your company is large and diverse) you will use for Assignments 1, 2, and 3. Provide a brief description of the company and the overall market in which they operate.Strategy Project Company Selection Guidelines Download Strategy Project Company Selection Guidelinesand specify the company (and specific division or product if your company is large and diverse) you will use for Assignments 1, 2, and 3. Provide a brief description of the company and the overall market in which they operate.
  • How would you define the Playing Field for this business? This should include focused parameters such as the market, segment, product, service, geography, and price where you will choose to compete. Narrow down the market to a particular segment based on customer and/or geography, and the company based on product or price.
  • Using the guidance from Martin’s article on Porter’s Five Forces, as well as Chapters 2 and 3 from Sherman, what predictions do you have about the profitability of this Playing Field? Support your assessment by discussing each of Porter’s forces as they relate to your company.


Using the company you have selected for your Strategy Development Project, describe one idea that they used to generate topline growth in the last three years.

Note: If you have chosen a company not in operation in the last three years, choose a close competitor in the industry to apply this week’s topic. 

As you describe and assess this move, refer specifically to Figure 4.1 (p. 77) in Chapter 4 of Sherman, and to the other readings from this week to support your response.

  • How did this idea generate short-term growth, long-term growth?
  • What, if any, countermoves were made by the competitors in response to the company’s move (e.g., copying the move)?
  • What costs, systems, or capabilities were necessary for this growth to occur?

JWI 540: Strategy
Strategy Development Project Guidelines

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Strategy Development Project

Our focus in this course is not limited to an academic study of how others have developed winning strategies. It
is on helping you acquire the knowledge, skills and tools needed to develop your own winning strategies – the
kind of moves that can help your organization establish a wide moat and fend off competition for years to come.
To help achieve this, you will have an opportunity to complete a Strategy Development Project. The project is
organized around Jack’s 5-Slide Strategy Model and is submitted in three separate assignments as outlined
below and on the assignment detail pages that follow.

Selecting the Company for your Project

In order to support your learning experience and make this course as meaningful as possible to your career, you
are free to select any organization you like as the focus for your project. However, there is some data required
and thus we strongly recommend that you adhere to the following guidelines to help you succeed in the project:

• Select a publicly traded company. You will have the benefit of access to annual financial reports and
shareholder letters. Since most publically traded companies have competitors that are also public, you
will have access to that data as well. Further, you will be able to find a number of 3rd – party articles and
analyses from banks, news media and investment advisors. Ideally, the company you work for is
publicly traded and thus eligible for your project. If not, consider analyzing a publicly traded competitor,
a key customer, a supplier, a company you might like to work for, or a company you’d like to better

• If your company has diverse business units, select a specific product category/segment/business unit.
Large businesses (like General Motors, GE or Procter & Gamble) have dozens of different products and
businesses. Attempting to develop a winning move for a large and complex entity will likely result in an
analysis and recommendation that is superficial. After all, what specific strategic choice would you
make at GE that would be game-winning for each of Aviation, Healthcare, Power, Renewable Energy,
etc.? Analyzing a company like Apple is equally challenging as the Playing Field and competitors in
Music (Spotify, Pandora, etc.) are very different from iPhone (Samsung, Google, etc). Instead, focus on
one product line or business that is of particular interest to you and you will have a much more
manageable and rewarding experience.

• NOTE: While the project requirements do not prohibit you from selecting a non-public organization, you
are strongly encouraged to avoid this due to difficulties in obtaining the data needed to complete the
assignments. If you do select a private organization for your project, you are responsible for ensuring
that you can obtain all data necessary.