For this exercise, choose one 21st Century Skill (collaboration) and select a specific context and learning audience (e.g., 6th grade Earth Science, postsecondary English at a community college), and do the following:
  1. In your Subject Line, write the Name of the 21st Century Skill and the Learning Context/Learners.
  2. In the Body of your post:
    1. Identify your Chosen 21st Century Skill and define it (casually cite any sources for your definition; a URL is fine).
    2. Choose and Identify a Learning Context (specifying subject matter). If in K-12, include grade level, if applicable. 
    3. Briefly Identify Learner Characteristics (e.g., age, sex, race, unique characteristics).
    4. Briefly Indicate the Learning Goals and/or Objectives for the Learners in the Context: Broadly, what are the learners in this context supposed to learn? 
      1. [Example for K-12: Citing the GSE briefly suffices: “The Sixth Grade Georgia Standards of Excellence for science are designed to give all students an overview of common strands in earth science including, but not limited to, meteorology, geology, astronomy, and oceanography.” (Link)]
    5. Given what you’ve noted above, Brainstorm 2 or more ways to assess or measure the learning of the chosen 21st Century Skill. Feel free to use ideas you find online or in books, and casually cite them. 
    6. Do you have any additional thoughts on teaching, and assessing/evaluating learners’ development of 21st Century Skills? (optional)